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Weidner/Fiala family - search from London

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Written on: 10. 09. 2008 [20:56]
Tomáš Krůta
registered since: 26.05.2008
Posts: 20
I have for 4 years been searching for the WEIDNER/FIALA family and have hit a brick wall. I need to break through that, and hope that the Czech genealogical research community might have some knowledge of the family I seek.

I will attach here the text of the search - but would like to point out that the DOCUMENTS are on my web site at and presumably I cannot upload those to a Forum

Can you possibly help us?
We are searching for
the three daughters and heirs of Anna WEIDNER(OVA) born on 14 Oct. 1883. The last place of residence of Anna Weidnerova was Nadrazni 7, Prague XVI.
1. Ida WEIDNER, born 21 March 1913 in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Last place of residence there was in Prague 5, Narodni 31
Ida married Adolf ZINER (or ZINNER), born 29 December 1906, in Prague on 1 June 1938.
She left Prague for Yugoslavia on 11 July 1940
She seems to have returned to Prague in November 1946, and departed for Eritrea on 23 May 1947 or on or on 31 Oct 1947.
on 31 October 1947 she was registered as living in Amara, (Asmara), Eritrea. One of the couple, we do not know which one, was a clerk of an Italian Insurance Society Riunione Adriatica di Sicurta in Terst, affiliated branch for CSR in Prague
Adolf ZINER (or ZINNER) was born 29 December 1906 in Hlinsko, Czechoslovakia, son of Theodor and Anna, nee BERGMAN[OVA]. On 16 Oct. 1945 he was issued with a passport valid for England, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan and Eritrea, valid till 31 Dec. 1945. His wife Ida, nee Weidner, was in Eritrea at that time. In 1943 Adolf is known to have been in Jerusalem. He held Passport No 224394.
We learned from an 84 year old lady who in the past had lived in Amsmara, that Mr Adolf ZINNER was living in the early 1940's in Masawa, and that he came up to Asmara to "meet a lady who came from Palestine to marry him". At one time "a Sudanese driver drove too fast, there was an accident and Mr Zinner was killed". A funeral was held in Asmara. It seems that the "lady went back to Palestine", and that arrangements for the transfer of Mr Zinner's body to Israel were made.

We believe "that lady" to have been Anna's mother: Ida ZINNER, nee Weidner, born on 21.Mar. 1913 in Prague:
She married Adolf Zinner, born on 29.12.1906 in Hlinsko, in Prague on 1 June 1938.
She had left Prague for Yugoslavia on 11 July 1940.
Their daughter Anna Eva Maria ZINER (or ZINNER), was born on 26 Jul. 1944 in Harar, Ethiopia:
She arrived at Prague on 5 Sep. 1946.
Her place of residence in Prague: Prague XVI, land-register number 294, Nadrazni 7 (with Anna Weidner).
2. Katerina WEIDNER, born 28 September 1918, in Prague, Smichov.
Katerina married Frantisek FIALA, born on 3 November 1905 in Neskaredice in Czechoslovakia.
Their last place of residence was in Prague XII, Hradesinska 55
They probably moved out to Argentina. We know they had been promised a Visa there on 15 September 1948.
Frantisek FIALA had son Zbysek FIALA, born from his first wife Vera nee HONCOVA on 12 March 1942
We believe that Anna WEIDNER and her daughter Katerina FIALA nee WEIDNER travelled to ARGENTINA on or after 22 Sep 1948
3. Eva WEIDNER , was born on 30 June 1920,
Eva married on 13 July 1945 Miroslav BLOCH, born 26 December 1913 in Sazava, son of Vladimir BLOCH and Zdenka Hermanovska
Miroslav Bloch lived in Ecuador since 1939. He enlisted in the Czech army in England, served abroad, and in 1945 he was demobilized in Czechoslovakia, and seems to have returned to England.
On 5th January 1948 1948 Miroslav Bloch (represented by Irena Greyerova) asked for an official confirmation, granted by the Czech Authorities that he acted in a proper manner – in order to present this to the Consulate in Quito (Ecuador).(the document issued on 31 October 1945 says: "A transport of demobilized soldiers of a foreign army is leaving for England in November 1945, I was also put into this transport. I would like to ask you, [i.e. Ministry of Interior], to list my wife in my passport" – his application was accepted, his passport extended till 31 Jan 1946, Ecuador was included, and his wife was listed in his passport)
The sisters had a brother, Arnost WEIDNER, who died in Terezin, on 2 May 1945.
From the Military Archives in Prague we have learned that Miroslav Bloch presented himself at the the Czech Ecuadorian Embassy on 16 September 1943. In 1943 he was living in Guayaquil, Lista de Correos Equador , was still single, worked as an Official, was 177 cm tall, his foot was 42 cm long
Miroslav BLOCH Left Czechoslovakia on 13 Feb 1939 for Ecuador, where he lived till 23 June 1943. He sailed via New York, on board the ship Umtali to Swansea, England, where he arrived on 3 September 1943. He was stationed in Bromley House and at the Royal P. School, released on 13 Septebmer 1943, on 16 September 1943 he was in Peterborough, England
school: commercial academy
languages: Spanish, German
Relatives: Ing. Rudolf Müller Ernaton (or Ematon), Oilfinlols Co Cantiwo Ecuador - maybe the place where his relative worked???
No. of his military book: 47, passport number 37255/38 He registered himself on 17 Septebmer 43 He was injured on 3 Nov 1944 7 March 1945 he was promoted to second lieutenant
From Homeguards Ecuador information:
7 February 1946 - Requested transport for second lieutenant Bloch and his wife
13 may 1946 - Homeguards to Ecuador, reg. no. 3117/46
As you can see we cannot be certain that we have correctly read the documents - the names of places are difficult to see. We have posted the documents below. Maybe you can read it better than we can?

Do you recognize any of this?

Can you guide us in any way?

If you have no information, do you know of anyone else, anywhere, where we can ask?

Please e-mail me at davidlewin(zavinac)btinternet[dot]com

With many thanks

David Lewin

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